Saturday, February 1, 2025



Jamaican track and field princess SHELLY ANN FRAZER PRYCE has retired from track and field and has become an entrepreneur of a hair care line called AFIMI HAIR CARE .on Thursday January 30th 2025 was her first New York launch of AFIMI at vp records retailstore store 170-19 jamaica avenue in queens New York . DJ Roy of  IRIE JAM RADIO  was the host with live broadcast .inside vp records became jammed pack with fans and local media and business personnel’s. Samples of her hair care products was given out . The president of York college came with students from the track and field department of the college they took pictures with shelly Ann and also received an autographed picture of her . Track and field trivia questions from  her track and field career had the audience in a fun and happy competition mood . Press play below and watch the recap of shelly Ann frazer pryce meet and greet New York launch of her hair care line. Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel press like and comment your thoughts . 

Thank you for reading and watching today . follow like share and subscribe to KERRYANNBROWN MUSIC PROMOTIONS on all social media platforms . Shop our merch kbmp clothing via website . Check out our Easter New York event - KBMP EASTER FISH FRY AND ARTIST SHOWCASE Saturday April 19th 2025 from 12 noon to 6 pm at VP RECORDS ARTS CENTER 170-19 jamaica avenue in Queens New York. tickets are $25 via eventbrite scan QR code on poster below or click the link below - live artistes performances - food and drinks - games and prizes - special guest speakers and so much more secure your tickets today . 


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